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Inaugural Derwent Open Water Swim Meet

So I've mentioned that we want to carry on fundraising for Alderhey Hospital in Lauren's name. I can announce that the first event has been confirmed.

Myself and some equally deranged friends are taking part in the Epic Lakes Swim of Derwent Water in July.

I will attempt to swim a mile in the freezing cold lake of Derwent Water in Keswick.

I'll let you in to a little secret, none of us are exactly athletes. Yes we all do a bit, but that is mainly so we can do the bit we actually like, the takeaways, the pints and the boozy lunches.

Also none of us have done an open water swim before, I'm guessing body boarding off the coast of Devon & Cornwall doesn't count! For the next few months we will be embarking on a training regime to ensure we don't drown, or more importantly show ourselves up by not finishing.

There are a few reasons I'm putting myself through this:-

Exercise is great for mental health, I know this, but have still been finding it difficult to push myself to do it. I keep putting off training even though I know I'll feel better afterwards. Sometimes it can be difficult to motivate myself to leave the house, I now have that motivation.

I also want to keep Lauren's name out there, this is just the start of what we want to do this year in her name. It has become really important to me that people still remember & talk about Lauren. Doing fundraising activities seems the most obvious way to help achieve this.

But most importantly it is to raise more money for Alderhey Children's Hospital in recognition of the amazing work they are doing every single hour of every single day to save children's lives.

This is the link to Lauren's Just Giving Page. We will be adding the event on there soon.

Don't worry I'll keep you updated on the training.......

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