When Lauren died we took some solace in how many things we had done with her in her short life, how much we had managed to cram into the time we had.
I realised early on that it was important to make new memories. If Lauren's death has taught us anything it is that life is short, tomorrow is not guaranteed, you need to do things now....seize the day.
With that in mind I've booked lots of holidays for the next few months. As a family we've always loved holidays, nothing fancy, just the opportunity to get away and have some fun, camping, skiing, sun, wherever. Although anyone who ski's will know that it doesn't have to be swanky to be expensive.
So today we've finally got the news we were expecting, our family skiing holiday has been cancelled. The second skiing holiday we've had to cancel due to a virus (third actually if you count Lauren's school one). Granted the circumstances aren't as devastating, at least not to us personally, still disappointing though.
We have more holidays booked in the coming months. It's difficult to look forward to holidays when you don't know if you'll be able to go on them or not. But there are plenty of people who will be able to empathise with that at the moment.
We want to make more memories, to add to the happy ones we have with Lauren. It is to prove to ourselves that we can have joy again.
Hopefully soon.....
